Navigating the Seas of Success: A Guide to Obtaining a USCG Captain's 6-Pack and 100-Ton License


Embarking on a career as a boat captain is an exciting journey that opens up a world of possibilities on the open water. Whether you dream of leading charter fishing trips, conducting eco-tours, or captaining a yacht, obtaining a United States Coast Guard (USCG) Captain's 6-Pack and 100-Ton License is a crucial step towards realizing your maritime ambitions. In this blog post, we'll outline the necessary steps to help you navigate the process and set sail on the path to maritime success.

You must meet Eligibility Requirements: Before setting your sights on a captain's license, ensure you meet the eligibility requirements set by the USCG. Generally, these include being at least 18 years old, holding a valid Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC), passing a physical examination, and meeting the sea service requirements.

  1. Accrue Sea Service Time: Sea service is a fundamental requirement for obtaining a captain's license. To qualify for the 6-Pack license, you'll need at least 360 days of experience on a boat, with 90 of those days occurring within the last three years. For the 100-Ton license, the requirement increases to 720 days of experience, with 360 of those days on vessels over 50 tons.

  2. Take a Coast Guard-Approved Course: Enroll in a USCG-approved captain's course offered by accredited maritime school such as Seven Seas Preparatory Academy. These courses cover essential topics such as navigation, safety, and seamanship. The 6-Pack course is suitable for those seeking a license to carry six or fewer passengers, while the 100-Ton course is for those aiming to captain vessels up to 100 gross tons.

  3. Pass the Exams: Successfully completing the captain's course is a significant step, but you'll also need to pass the USCG exams. These exams assess your knowledge of navigation rules, safety procedures, and general seamanship. The exams vary based on the license you are pursuing, so be prepared to demonstrate your maritime expertise.

  4. First Aid and CPR Certification: Obtain a valid First Aid and CPR certification, as these are required components of the captain's license application. Many maritime schools incorporate these certifications into their training programs, ensuring you meet this crucial prerequisite.

  5. Application Submission: Once you've met all the requirements, submit your application to the USCG. Be meticulous in providing accurate and complete information, as any discrepancies can cause delays in processing.

  6. Drug Test and Background Check: Expect to undergo a drug test and a thorough background check as part of the application process. A clean bill of health and a clear background are essential for securing your captain's license.

  7. Wait for Evaluation: The USCG will review your application, sea service, and exam results. This evaluation process may take several weeks, so be patient during this period.

  8. Receive Your License: Upon successful completion of all requirements, the USCG will issue your Captain's 6-Pack or 100-Ton License. Congratulations, you're now officially qualified to command vessels and navigate the high seas!


Becoming a licensed boat captain requires dedication, education, and hands-on experience. By following these steps and meeting the USCG requirements, you'll be well on your way to obtaining your Captain's 6-Pack or 100-Ton License. As you embark on this maritime adventure, remember that safety, knowledge, and a passion for the sea will be your guiding stars on the journey to success. Smooth sailing!